Bear Soul Wellness' Sliding Scale Pricing 

Bear Soul Wellness' Sliding Scale concept and language is based on "The Green Bottle" framework created by Alexis J. Cunningfolk.  Please reference the graphic below, and learn more about economic justice here.

BSW Sliding Scale

In order to maintain the level of service that feels aligned and generous, while caring for the access needs of our community, Bear Soul Wellness uses a sliding scale that all clients can utilize based on their proximity to financial privilege, and their own personal financial experience.  All clients at Bear Soul Wellness make the choice of how much they pay for the service they receive, and are free to make this choice for themselves.  When booking in person, please indicate if you wish to use any sliding scale options.  If you wish to use the Reduced Price Range option when booking online, please indicate the price you wish to pay (within the range) in the Appointment note.  If you wish to use the Pay What You Can option, please call or text to request.

Here are some guidelines for helping clients assess where they fall on the BSW Sliding Scale: 

When booking online, indicate the amount you wish to pay that falls between the high and low of the range in the Appointment Notes section.

Pay What You Can appointments are available to clients when the lowest option in the Reduced tier still creates a financial barrier.  This resource is limited, and must be requested before booking.